Sunday 1 October 2017

Celebrate....Let's Have A Festival

     The summer is now over and most of the tourist attractions are shut down. The summer was filled with cultural events. There were so many festivals it was difficult to keep track of them. On any given weekend you had a choice of one to three festivals going on across the island. Most of the festivals were small in size but there were activities for all age groups.

     Let me tell you, the people of PEI celebrate anything and everything. A nice way to attract people to their community big or small.

     Here is a short list of just a few festivals that were happening on PEI.
  • Indian River Festival
  • Lobster Festival
  • Mermaid's Tears Sea Glass Festival
  • PEI Potato Blossom Festival
  • Oyster Festival
  • Shell Fish Festival
  • Clammin' 'N' Jammin' Festival
  • Cavendish Beach Music Festival
  • Clogeroo Music Festival
  • Island Fringe Festival
  • Wild Blueberry Festival\
  • Festival of Small Halls
  • PEI Fall Flavours Festival
     We attended a few of them. Many of them have that small town charm with activities for the kids, a challenge to draw people, food, and of course, entertainment.

     In June we were visiting Summerside and we happened to come across a small festival or carnival in this case. There were many old fashioned games that were set up and anyone could play. Al enjoyed playing a number of them. If you played you received a Canadian pin. You played and you collected as many pins as you wanted and then you could trade them in for a prize. This carnival had hot dogs, tea and  cake to feed the masses. There were other activities such as a mini horse draw cart and a fire eater. Al got to speak with the Chief of Police in Summerside while eating a piece of cake. They swapped stories. It was a fun event. It seemed like the whole town was in attendance.
Here is Al showing his skill at a ball toss

A clown riding around on his unicycle

A big hit was the miniature horse pulling a mini cart for children.
We have seen this horse and cart at several other festivals.

     Montague had their Summer Days Cultural Festival in July. Highlights of the festival included  Beach Volleyball, musical entertainment, a poker tournament, talent show, parade, and a raft race.
Here are photos of the parade.

All parades must have a fire engine or at least all the small town parades
I have seen have them.
Members of the Canadian Legion

The birthday cake celebrating Montague's 100 years


Miss Montague, of course, would be in a boat.

Advertising an up-coming festival in Montague. That would be the third one
being held during the summer months.

"This job stinks"
Can you imagine having a float in a parade showing your best products,
a portable toilet and washing station.

Characters from Star Wars

The Shriners' float

We are in farm country so, of course, there would be tractors

A marching band, bagpipes and all.

Important guests!

     On the last day they had a festival inside of a festival. The Diverse City Festival was held on the last day. The day was filled with a variety of ethnic food music, dance and demonstrations.

Little girls love to dance and at this festival
it was no different. They danced to all sorts
of music. It reminds me of  Anne and her
dance friends.

The audience was invited at get up and dance
to Persian music. See the dancing below.

From Charlottetown came a group who sang R&B.

The touring Mi'kmaq Players told the story of their beginning.

Dancing with hoops

     The headliner for the closing of the show was PEI-born musician Lennie Gallant. He was great. I remember seeing him about 25 years ago at the Markham Theatre in Ontario. I received tickets to his concert and a friend and I went together to see this unknown artist. We really enjoyed his music. So when Al and I saw that he was going to be playing in Montague we had to attend. The outdoor show was free for everyone so I have seen him twice at no charge. At the first concert I purchased one of his CDs and it is still one of my favourites. Most of the songs he sang were from the CD so it was great to sing along with him and the audience.
Lennie Gallant and band. By the way: Gallant is a very
common name here on P.EI

Two of Lennie's nephews play with him or
is it  Cousin "IT" from the Addams Family?

Lennie playing the drum

The day ended with a very long fireworks display..
There is only one pyrotechnic technician on the island and he lives
in Montague. Barber by day and fire works by night. He is very busy
during the summer months.

     Here are some photos of other festivals we attended.

A 6 foot high lobster at Lobster Fest
in Souris

Bev holding a 10 pound lobster
at Lobster Fest.
Flowers and vegetables were a big part of
the Kensington Fest.ival

Beautiful colours

These two guys sang while waiting for the youth talent show.
The talent show was fabulous. Lots of singing with a few
traditional dancers in the mix. After the talent show was the
game show which Al participated in but alas, he did not win.

Dancers at the Charlottetown Art in the Open. These dancers are all attached
by their costume. and travelled through the artisan market place.
Stopping and moving  It was weird!
     There is no shortage of this to do on the island throughout the summer. Festivals abound! Come and enjoy the music, arts and culture.

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