Sunday 24 September 2017

The Mouse Hunt

Here is a close-up of Eckhart.
Most of the statues are wearing a scarf with a Maple Leaf on it
     The first time that we went into Charlottetown to explore we went to the visitor centre in Founder's Hall which is at the harbour and we looked through the many, many brochures that described various events, places of interest and activities in the area.

     Here is what we chose to do: Go on a mouse hunt! Eckhart (mouse) is the main character from The True Meaning of Crumbfest written by PEI author David Weale. Eckhart is a curious little mouse who is first and foremost an adventurer. Small bronze statues of Eckhart are spaced here and there around the City. The idea is to follow the clues and find him. Along the way you will see and learn about the City. What a wonderful way to walk through the City looking for a small mouse! You have to be observant to your surroundings. From the clue brochure you can read about each area where Eckhart is located. A great way to keep children involved in your city tour by making it a challenge.

     With the clues in hand, we set off to find 9 Eckharts.

     Clue 1: Begin your search at Founders' Hall where you'll find Eckhart perched on Island sandstone watching visitors come and go.
Eckhart in front of the Founders' Hall where the visitors centre is located

     Clue 2: In front of Founders' Hall turn left on Water Street, past Prince and right onto Great George Street. On Great George Street Eckhart goes to Church but first he reads about the church's history
First find Eckhart, I stopped to have a chat with these two lawyers.
They were mute and it was a one-sided conversation.
Notice across the street is the St. Dunston's Basilica where Eckhart
can be found by a bench.

Outside the Church

A & P are quite friendly with this mouse. The reason for this could be
that Eckhart is almost the same size as them.
     Clue 3: Who Lives in this grand "House" at the end of the street? Eckhart surveys the property from the end of the drive.

On the way to Province House, we saw the Confederation Players out
on the front lawn playing Croquet. The Confederation Players perform a
 variety of historic vignettes around the downtown historical district.

We almost missed finding Eckhart because the Province House is currently
being renovated and the drive to the building is blocked off with construction
fencing. But we did find him behind the construction fencing.

     Clue 4: Turn left and head down Richmond Street. Eckhart is up high watching over Sir John A. MacDonald who's lounging on the bench. "No one will step on me up here"
First you have to find Sir John and then find Eckhart.
On the way to the bench we looked into many craft and tourist

This one was the hardest to find because Eckhart was across the street looking
towards Sir John.

Again A & P visit with Eckhart on his high perch.
     Clue 5: Heading down Queen Street towards the water Eckhart stops at the corner of Queen and Sydney to look skyward and across the street at the Mr. Connolly's head. " How do you suppose they got him way up there?"
Eckhart is way down low looking up at the bust of Owen Connolly a successful
entrepreneur in the late 1800's. The building is known as the Connolly Block
and it was built after his death with the instructions that the building was built
"for the purpose of educating or assisting poor children, resident in
Prince Edward Island, who are Irish or the sons of Iris fathers".

Mr. Owen Connolly
     Clue 6: Continue down Queen Street and cross the street when you reach the Delta Prince Edward...the Merchantmen is where boat builders used to meet. Eckhart is window-peeking. Shhh... he won't see you approach.

Eckhart peeking in the window. This building is now a restaurant

     Clue 7: Let's head way back up the street to where Anne plays. Cross the intersection at Queen and Grafton. Eckhart is on his way "down" to the box office to get his tickets. "Oh how I hope to be on this stage someday".
On our way back up the street, we stopped to add our comments on a chalk
board. My comment was: Before I die I want to "live a quiet life and enjoy
the fruits of my labour".
Al's comment was: Before I die I want to "stay alive".

There is Eckhart going down to buy his tickets at the Confederation Centre of the Arts
for the stage production of Anne of Green Gables: the Musical. We saw this production
and it was wonderful. Many young actors from across Canada were performing, even
one who performed at the local Aurora Theatre in Ontario.

     Clue 8: Cross the street...I hear a moo. "What's this, an upside down cannon?"
Eckhart is sitting on the 18 pounder gun which is outside the "Cows" ice cream
shop. Cows ice cream is very popular here and there are many Cows shops in the
     Clue 9: Continue up Queen Street, the clock is ticking, it's "time" for the hunt to end. "Do you see our beautiful City Hall?"

This clock was a gift from P.E. Islanders in recognition of the important
contributions of the City and to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the
province's capital city. Notice the sun dial on the side of the building.
Eckhart is sitting at the bottom of the clock.
     Searching for 9 Eckharts, we found much more in the downtown core of Charlottetown. We had a lovely day. What an unique way for a walking tour!

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