Sunday 16 July 2017

What's On Your Mantel?

Image result for old lady serving tea
In my mind, I expected something like this at Rita's Tearoom
     It seemed like most of the places Al had scheduled on our travels of Cape Breton were closed. June was too early for many attractions. That is the trouble with being retired and having time year-round to travel. If it is not high season you may miss some of the attractions. The time before school ends and before the real tourist season starts is called the "shoulder" season and we were in it.

     On one particular day, we were not having much luck finding the places open that we wanted to see. The last call for the day was a visit to Rita's Tearoom in Big Pond. In my mind, I was imagining a small country house or cabin with part of it being used as a country or Victorian style tearoom. The hostess, "Rita", would be an elderly lady in an apron serving up tea and scones telling stories of the old days. The small tables would be decorated with crocheted or lace doilies. 

     Well, how could I be so wrong? Rita was no meek country woman. Rita's Tearoom was owned by Rita MacNeil, the award winning Canadian singer. It was a pleasant surprise! The tearoom was large and grand. At one end of the tearoom proper was a small platform or stage for people to entertain the visitors. Numerous teacups lined a shelf along the walls. A gift shop was off in the corner.

     How did it come about that Rita opened a tea room? Click Here to find out why she started the tea room.
     Once you enter the building you are in Rita's world. You learn about Rita's life from childhood on. Part of the tearoom is a museum dedicated to her. The walls are filled with pictures of Rita's with other singers, all her music awards, her Order of Nova Scotia and Order of Canada. That in itself was so interesting.

     We had tea and a light lunch which was delicious. Rita had a favourite tea -- King Cole tea so that was the only tea served. You could also buy this tea in a special Rita MacNeil container right in the gift shop. The china was Rita's own. They were white with her signature "Rita" on it along with the outline of a hat. It took me awhile but I finally figured it out that the sweeping lines outlined a hat. Rita was famous for wearing hats while performing.

rita mcneil | Walt's farewell salute, published in the UK
Rita MacNeil

A and P waiting for a cup of tea
Rita's signature with hat is on all china. 

Instructions left in a note Rita said, “Upon my death, I would want
to be cremated immediately, my ashes to be placed in my tea room teapot.
Two, if necessary,” So there she sits in the teapot on the mantel in her tearoom.

The large spacious tearoom. Notice the museum at the back of the room

A beautiful country garden surrounds the tea room

The entrance to the tea room. Apparently there is an
apartment that Rita used when in the area.
     As I said before, this was a very pleasant surprise. Although, I do not know much of her music it was an interesting spot to learn about one of Canada's music legends. The tea room was very nice. We learned a lot about Rita too. A lovely place to stop for a cuppa and a scone.


  1. Following in my Irish father's footsteps, I'm a tea drinker. I've always wanted to go to Rita's. Now it's definitely on my bucket list!

  2. glad you enjoyed Rita eat a big meal MacNeil tea room.
