Wednesday 22 March 2017

Down on the Farm -- Australian Style

If you ever have the opportunity to visit or stay at a farm, do it!

We travelled south from Perth to the farm of Lisa (Al's cousin) and John just outside of  Balingup. We were treated to a lovely time while there for several days. Although it is not a commercial farm, their farm does supply them with fresh fruits, vegetables, sheep, pigeons, chicken and their eggs. John goes out fishing with friends and brings back fish and marron (a small type of crayfish found in Western Australia). Kangaroo and Emu are wild in the area and they may end up on your dinner plate as well.

John and Lisa brought up their family on this farm. It is in a beautiful setting and they have done a wonderful job on their gardens. They started with a block of land (we would say a "lot") and planted trees, moved a simple house onto it and developed gardens, etc. until they had a real farm.

John, Lisa, Bev and Al in the garden by one of the fountains
The drive to the house

The door is always open to welcome family and friends

The main house

Every morning you are entertained by the birds in the bath.

The picture above shows where we slept. A two room cottage across the small courtyard from the main house. The cottage has a bedroom and a sitting room equipped with kettle, cooler and toaster oven. All the things you would need for an overnight stay. They offer this accommodation as part of AirBnB. Bathroom is shared with the main house.

The deck and garden at the front of the house. Lovely view of the property.
Another view.

View of the side of house with fountain.

Two fountains

Sit in the chair under the tree and relax.
The chicken

Marron for lunch

Although Lisa works several days a week in a nearby town, she is an artist and works with natural materials. Her house is filled with her art. Lisa also sells her art at art shows. Here are examples of her art:
The art studio
Jelly fish

Dried flower pods

Feathers and grasses

Shells and stones make up this art piece which is being prepared for the next art show.
Here are more images of the homestead.

Homegrown garlic. Part will be used for cooking while others are used for seeding the next year's garden

The wood shed
The shoe basket by the main door. Barefoot is encouraged

There is always lots to do on a farm. It was nice to be with a dedicated couple who believe that being self-sustaining is very important to their life.

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