Wednesday 30 August 2017

The Day the Circus Came to Town

     Growing up in and around Toronto, Ontario, we had experienced a variety of different circuses. I don't remember ever going to any circuses as a child but as an adult, I have been to a number of them -- Shrine Circus, Ringling Brothers and even Cirque du Soleil. So I have seen some amazing performances, but on a hot day in Montague we saw a mediocre small-town circus.

     On this day, the circus had ten acts. Some of them were short and sweet and not of high skill but the kids in the audience were enthralled. The tents and some of the equipment looked old and well worn. A lot of the focus was on first selling pop corn and sno cones and as the show continued the focus changed to the selling of circus novelties, photos taken with "minions" or a ride in a small train. My favourite act of the day was the woman who did "hula hooping". It was colourful.

     The Great Benjamin's Circus is a family of 3rd generation circus performers originating out of Mexico and the United States. Their promotional material describes their Circus as a "one of a kind experience" which brings to the audience one of the oldest forms of live family entertainment, featuring clowns, jugglers, acrobats, daredevils and much more. Their goal is to entertain children of all ages.

     They sure did that. The audience that hot afternoon enjoyed the entertainment.

Act 1: The Space Wheel

 Act 2: The trained dogs

Act 3: The Aerial Strap

Act 4: The Clown -- silly stuff

Act 5: The Aerial Silk

Act 6: Fire Breathing

Act 7: Aerial Hoop and Mouth Piece

Act 8: Hooping

I like this action photo -- 32 hoops at once

Act 9: Clown Strong Man

Act 10 (final): Globe of Death

     In Newmarket, Ontario, we also had circuses come to town. One year, we had some excitement when the circus elephants escaped their pen. Click here to view the 911 call concerning the elephants. 
Image result for elephant

     I think that I will wait until I can take a grandchild with e before attending another circus.

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