Thursday 18 May 2017

Signs, Signs, Everywhere a Sign

Here is a collection of various signs that we saw during our travels
Sign outside a bar: "Two guys walk into a bar, the third one ducks"
Sign on the back of a plumbers truck: "In my 'game' a Flush beats a Full House"
Sign at an intersection: Red Light camera

A lady bug with learner's sign on front.
What are they really trying to say?

Licence plate: "In2Deep"
An ad for an energy drink at a gas station:  "The MASSIVE HIT that improves you a bit".
Only "a bit"... why bother.

Sign at a shop: "Nothing makes a fish bigger than almost being caught"

Sign at the one house in town that has a TV.

Sign on the window of a shop. All shops had one. "Choose Respect"
These photos were taken inside a public toilet. Faintly written over the hole reads " Girl Mouse" and
on the other side of the toilet another cut out hole reads " Boy Mouse". The funny thing is that the
floor in front of these holes shows wear like it has been used quite a lot.

Name of a hair salon

A sign in front of a flower store:
"A flower does not think of competing with the next flower it just blooms".

Although this is not a sign it is unique. The chair is covered with crocheted flowers.
This is just inside the front door of a fabric store.
What?! McDonald's delivery or could I say "McDelivery"!
This is one of many electronic signs on the 88th floor of the Eureka Building in Melbourne.
This thin message board had messages scroll along the floor. Very clever!

This sign was just inside the ship's galley.
I took it while on a tour of the galley.

Name of a Liquor store
Unfortunate combination of words

A sign on a store front for taxi company: "nabAcab" 

World's Steepest Street. Apparently Americans refuse to believe this, thinking that San Francisco
has the steepest. It has been measured and New Zealand has the steepest. This street is in a residential area.
I would hate to live on the street and have to park.

Business sign on car: "Hire-A-Hubby" I will say no more.
This is the front of an ATM. We saw many of them.

Clever sign to show the direction of the Cable Car entrance

Sign on a railing: "Dog hitching rail". We did not see a single dog in that town.

Named for Al....maybe not. Named after Prince Albert, Queen Victoria's husband

I think that these stop lights would be very confusing.
What do I know?  Driving on the left side of the road was bad enough.

Sign on the tour bus: It was a Lord of the Rings tour.

Signs on the door of a shopping mall in New Zealand.
Earthquake instructions

Sign in a bus: Rugby player recruitment

Sign in Sydney at a beach: Surfer Code showing the conditions of the surf.
From what we observed surfers ignore the code and would surf in all conditions and weather
Sign on the wall at Freshwater Beach. Relaxation is the theme of this sign.

A sign painted on the road in downtown Sydney showing the  location of the toilets

And people think that Canadians are polite.

Sign in the resort in Fiji: "Depresso: The feeling you get when you've run out of coffee".
It is fun to see how people use language to communicate.

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