Wednesday 26 April 2017

Where The Ocean Meets The Land

The Australian coast varies right around the continent. The action of the ocean creates all sorts of wonderful vistas. We visited many different beaches and rocky shorelines. The Gap is a big tourist attraction. For many years you could walk right up to the edge of the 'gap' and look down to the torrent waters below smashing into the narrow rock inlet. Today, there is a walkway that extends over the edges so you can have a better experience looking down into the water. The Gap is an impressive rugged granite channel carved by the waves of the Great Southern Ocean crashing against the granite coastline forming a spectacular sheer drop of almost twenty-five metres.
Sign leading to the Gap and the Natural Bridge

The Gap with its extended observation deck
The waves going into the gorge
View of the end of the gorge
View of the other side of the gorge from the observation deck
Looking down from the observation deck

Looking between the railings. It was a windy day before the rain came

Now if you go in the opposite direction a short distance away is the natural bridge which was carved out by the wave action along the coast. The Natural Bridge is a granite formation that looks just like a giant rock bridge! This 'bridge' is caused by the gradual wearing away of the granite rock by the Great Southern Ocean.The natural bridge formation is a reminder of the power of the ocean. It is incredible to watch the waves roll across the ocean, crashing into the granite cliffside and rushing under the bridge.
People in the distance are walking on the bridge

Looking out to the ocean

The table top coast line

The natural bridge. Notice it is now raining.

The natural bridge. The rain is now falling harder and we have to run to our car for shelter.

Other photos of the coastline along the southwest corner of Australia

A wave hitting an outcrop of rock in the ocean
All you have to do is turn around and up the hill are fascinating rock formations

Creatures are everywhere. Here is a large ant along a path
What a beautiful country! We have been so lucky to have travelled the way we did and to see so many things. One thing that we have learned from our travels in Newfoundland, Canada is that we also have a beautiful country. Many locals (in Newfoundland and in Australia) have said that we have seen more in the short time that we have been there then they have in their life times. Isn't it time for you to explore your area and see it with new eyes too?

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