Friday 10 March 2017

Australia's Unusual Animals

During our time in Australia, we went to several Wildlife Parks. The best one was the Caversham Wildlife Park outside of Perth. It had the best variety of animals. Here is our photo album of the animals, birds and reptiles that we saw. Now, you can actually see some of these animals in the "real" wild. Kangaroos can be seen on golf courses or certain beaches. Of course the birds can be seen everywhere. It is strange seeing a large flock (10 or more) of white cockatoos flying overhead as we drive along the road in a suburb. Sitting in the garden at the farm, you can hear the maniacal laugh of the kookaburra.

Even though some of the furry animals you will see below may look like some type of rat, they are all marsupials.
A contented wombat

This possum's name is Luna

Beautiful Eyes

A python. You could hold it and have a photo taken. No takers from our family.

These are actually a type of red kangaroo and not albino.

Notice the joey poking out from its mother's pouch.

Sleeping in the sun.

Yes, Australia has penguins too!

The shorter ears identify these as wallabies.

The kookaburra

Koalas have very sharp claws so that they do not fall out of trees while sleeping.

Despite some similarities, koalas are not bears.  Australia has no native bears.

Another possum sleeping in a hollow log.

The Flying Fox, so named because of its head shape.

The magpie, a very common bird which is bothersome during nesting season.

A quokka, about the size of a large cat, found only on Rottnest Island near Perth where it has no predators.  On the mainland, wild dogs, feral cats and foxes have mostly wiped them out.

A large monitor.

This guy stopped traffic so that he could slowly cross.

Another wombat

More flying foxes

Australia's wildlife makes it so unique. We are glad to have experienced it first-hand.


  1. Thank you for sharing the beautiful photos of yourselves with the animals. Love love them:)

  2. Very interesting animal pics. Thanks!
