Saturday 21 January 2017

Five Little Kittens

Five little kittens
Came to our house
They met a new Momma
and were nursed to health
They grew and grew
full of fun and energy
They ran and jumped
and were great company
Now they've gone
to their forever home

Paprika was a tabby. She came to us with an eye infection. 
Medication was given several times a daily on the eye as well as orally.

Sage had a white spot on his back that changed in shape and size as he grew.
He also came with an eye infection. Medications the same.

Cinnamon was the runt of the litter but so affectionate. 
As she grew she developed tufts of long hair behind her ears so we started calling her Tuffy. 
She came with an eye infection too. Same treatment

These are Basil and Lavender or is it Lavender and Basil? They looked so much alike we could not identify them by name. As they got older, one's fur started to become more grey in certain areas. We called her Panda.

Mom is Gaylette. She became their surrogate Mom. Her first litter grew up and were adopted.
We just usually called her "Kittie Momma"

Mom with three of her four original kittens
What's in a name? Generally, we were not too concerned with using their names that were assigned by the SPCA. They were given names for the purpose of their files. We generally just called them "Kittie". Their "forever" owners will probably rename them anyway.
Here is a variety of pictures of them as they were with us.

Best buddies


 Right from the start they were very social

First day that they were let out of their room




Trying to figure out how to get the food

 They loved bags, boxes, shoes. laps and anything reclining

That's so funny, Al!


They're so cute!

I can sleep anywhere!

I can sleep in any position!

With Momma in a basket in the closet

A pile of cats 



Very curious!
Any door that was open they were there trying to get through it. 
Above they explored the great outdoors and snow. Only one of them actually ventured onto the snow but soon retreated to the warmth of the house.
Below is one time we opened the refrigerator. "Let's explore".


"Kittie Momma" nursed them right up to the day they left.

The kittens on the day we took them in to be spayed and neutered. We would not get them back after the surgery. They were shortly put up for adoption and adopted within two days.  They now have their "forever" homes.

The SPCA used our kittens in a promotional article which you can see here.  All in all, fostering these two litters of kittens has been a great experience that fit in well with our lives here in Newfoundland.  We may do it again in another province.


  1. Is there not a Chinese Food restaurant in Paradise that will take the cats

  2. Your in Australia now, I went out with an Australian girl once, she showed me a great time, she gave me a case of ..... that kept coming back.
