Monday 28 November 2016

Mary, Mary Quite Contrary, How does your Garden Grow?

The weather is getting cooler and we have had some snow, but it doesn't last long. Looking back over the summer we did a lot of work on our garden. In between travelling the province, we tried to keep up the front garden at the house we are renting. For those who really know us, you will know that we are not gardeners but we plugged ahead and did our best.

Each day, when home, we spent time pulling out weeds, cutting back bushes, and planting new flowers. In the end, it didn't look too bad.

We also scraped and sanded the front deck before we stained it. It took quite a while but we managed to complete it by the end of August.

Gardens before our work

The deck before staining
Al staining the front deck

The finished deck and gardens

The most amazing things were the little and not so little creatures we found in the garden.
Snails in the garden were fascinating to watch.
I have never seen a slug before and this one was huge! I saw it in the grass and I actually thought it was the dog's business
Another snail

The province has some beautiful flowers and plants. I admire those who have beautiful gardens with all sorts of flowers, fruits and vegetables. I can only admire them through the lens of a camera although we are cultivating two small pots of basil and parsley in our kitchen. We seem to be doing pretty well since we can harvest enough of them to use in our cooking. It's a start, anyway.

The provincial flower here is called the Pitcher Plant. It is very unusual because it feeds on bugs. I have seen many pictures of it but I have not seen it in the wild. I think that we missed it in the spring so I am looking forward to seeing it in the spring of 2017.

Here are some flowers that we have seen in the Province.
Water pooling on a leaf

Even the dandelions looked nice and there were many of them.

A lady bug on a flower in Brigus

Public Garden in St. John's

Public Garden in St. John's

Public Garden in St. John's

Public Garden in St. John's

A public garden in St. John's

Flowers near Logy Bay

Ground cover at L'Anse aux Meadows

Flowers grow anywhere, even in the gravel. Town of Middle Arm

Flowering Kale on a door step. Notice the bead of water in the middle

Crackerberry on the trails around Neil's Pond, Paradise

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