Saturday 1 October 2016

Kitten Overload!

A pile of kittens. There are four kitten here. Can you see them all?
After our dog Pippin died, she left a big hole in our lives.  We have always had a pet or two in our house since we have been married (34 years).
Pippin enjoying the Sun in NL          Gimli watching me pack     
                                                   Gimli is staying with Anne in ON

In August, we were at NL Vegfest in St. John's and the local Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (S.P.C.A.) had a booth.  They were taking applications for people to be foster parents to animals in their care on a temporary basis.  This appealed to us as we did not want to take on a new pet that would be a concern for us when we travel in February and then move to Nova Scotia in the late spring.

We were called by the SPCA last week and asked if we could foster a mother cat and four kittens, which we readily agreed to.

The photos below say it all:
This is the Mom

Mom used to hiss at us each morning but now she is friendly
and will rub against us waiting for us to pat her.

Here are the kittens:
First day with us. Coming out of the crate 
"I'm out!!!
Everything is a toy.... even legs!
Even pooper scoopers!
Chasing a clothes peg on a string... Hours of fun!
Everyone gets into the act

Getting tired!
"What's up there? "
"Ooo... It's a broom! Let's gang up on it."
Most of the family.
Blue eyes
Sittin' pretty
"What, another picture?"
What a sweetie!
Two cuties!
It has only been the fourth nap of the day. More to come.
"Well, I'm awake. Should I wake up the others?"
Nice and cozy!
A slipper. Good Fit!
Exploring. Everything is an obstacle course
"I caught it!!"
"Look at me"
Napping at the front window
Napping anywhere
Nice pillow
Hello little kitty.
So cute!
Two napping
The other two napping
We will update you on their progress. I understand that we may have them for up to a month.


  1. Q: Who are the cats going to vote for in November?
    A: Hillary Kitten

  2. Love the kittens. They have the best foster parents:)
