Tuesday 16 August 2016

Tour of Avalon North

When Anne and Ilse were here, we took another van tour with Legend Tours. This time we went north from St. John's, passing through towns like Logy Bay, Outer Cove, Middle Cove, Flatrock, Pouch Cove, Torbay, Bauline, Portugal Cove and St. Philips. Brendan did a wonderful job of describing the history and environment of each area. Here is a look at our tour through photos.
Our first stop was in Logy Bay which is the home of the Ocean Sciences Centre.
Here is Ilse, Bev, Al and Anne
Closer picture of the landscape across from the Ocean Sciences Centre
The Centre is a unique building. We were not allowed in the building but there was plenty
to see on the outside. They had displays and staff available to talk about the sea creatures and seals. 


In the past, flat rocky areas like this would be used to dry the cod that was caught.

 Birds from the area -- feeding and nesting
A water display of sea creatures. Very colourful. You were allowed to touch them.
More sea creatures...

Al is holding a star fish. Notice that the arms are starting to curl.
It has been out of the water too long. Back in the water you go!
Here Al is holding a different star fish. See how its arms are not curled.
At the Centre they do research on seals. Here is one with a chunk of  ice.
This is so refreshing on a hot day.
There were three seals out of doors in an enclosure which had two pools for them to play in.

 Swim and glide and soak in the sun! What a life.

Seal getting into the pool. It was an strenuous job going to the ramp.
Splash!! The end result was nice cool water.
Rock beach down below at Middle Cove
Looking out to the Ocean from Middle cove
Harbour of Middle Cove from other side

Boat nesting on the cliff in the harbour.
Boats in the harbour of Flatrock
Town of Flatrock Harbour. Notice the rock formation.
Called the Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto, this monument on the side of the hill was started in 1959. In 1984, Pope John Paul II visited Flatrock and not only stopped to pray here but also gave a blessing to the fleet in the harbour.
Crab traps at Portugal Cove
Boats on the Wharf at Portugal Cove
More boats!
Sea grass in the harbour
Looking up from the harbour

1 comment:

  1. Your pictures are so interesting Bev and it looks like you are really exploring the countryside
