Monday 1 August 2016

A Hidden Treasure: River Boats

Travelling down the east coast of the Avalon Peninsula we almost drove past one of Newfoundland's hidden treasures near the town of Mobile. The River of Boats is the passion of Maxwell Morgan whose hobby is to make model boats. Across the road from where he lives, he shows off his labour of love in a small river for all to enjoy as long as you don't speed by. He has even added a fishing wharf such as what was used long ago to process the fish brought in by the boats. Click on the link below to see the story of Max and his boats.

Here are the photos we took. Notice that there are new boats placed in the river since the CBC video.

It is wonderful to see someone pursuing their passion for a craft without regard for the time it takes or what he could sell them for.  Watch for more blog posts in the Hidden Treasures series.

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