Saturday 25 June 2016

When in Rome ...

Moving out of Ontario was bound to result in some changes to the culture we were used to.  That is part of the reason why we are doing this adventure!  It's really only when you experience a different culture that you can appreciate how good you may have had it in your previous province or town, or maybe you will find that the new place has something much better than you were used to.

One of the first things that struck me after we arrived in Newfoundland was that there were hardly any guardrails along the highways.  Back in Ontario, there would have been guardrails or wires on most of the curves and overpasses of creeks and rivers.  As well, the Trans-Canada Highway has fairly deep ditches along either side.  This may be a cheaper way to slow the moose down before coming up on the highway than by installing moose fencing, which was quite common in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.

Liquor laws, or at least the enforcement of them, are also much less stringent here.  I have seen numerous people drinking in the open, although technically, that is illegal here too.  Also, most major grocery stores have a liquor store attached to them and you can get beer and liquor in lots of smaller places too.  Who knew that Newfoundland would be more progressive than Ontario?
And no, we haven't been "screeched in" yet.

Where we are living in the Town of Paradise, they have an unusual approach to garbage and recycling.  Back in Newmarket, recycling was collected every week and garbage every second week. Garbage was limited to 3 bags.  Here, garbage collection is every week and you are allowed to put out up to 10 bags of it!  Recycling is every 2 weeks and they don't pick up glass containers or compost or yard waste.  I suppose that is part of the reason why they have a higher garbage allowance.

Also, although they don't have raccoons or skunks here to raid your garbage, the big scourge here is seagulls and crows.  Until they rolled out big collection bins to every household this week, the rule was you had to keep your garbage covered at all times with a blanket, tarp or bin to thwart the birds.  Although the birds are not as resourceful as raccoons, they can sure make a mess of things if they can get to a garbage bag!
We have tried to find others to play euchre with here, but so far, no luck.  One of the most popular card games here is called 120s.  We have yet to try it, but you can read the rules here: Rules for 120s

One thing that is absolutely not different than Ontario is talk radio.  Only the cast of characters is changed, but it's mostly complaining about the current crop of politicians.

Another thing that is odd is that in most places, such as the house we are renting, the electrical plugs are installed upside down!

I am sure that through the year we will find more differences.

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