Wednesday 8 June 2016

We will remember.....

Moving each year will be a new experience for us. We both grew up in Toronto and lived in Toronto after we were married in 1982. We lived in Newmarket for 28 years. There are lots of memories associated with Newmarket and York Region. We will remember:

Seeing Newmarket grow from having lots of farms to lots of box stores and traffic congestion. From a small town to a multi-cultural bedroom community.

Buying corn at a farmer's stand just down the road which is now a Walmart store.

Green Lane as a narrow 2-lane dirt road which is now a 4-lane thoroughfare, which is now being expanded even more.

Observing the "walking lady" on her daily walks. Where did she go? Over the past few years there has been a couple who walk on a regular basis in the neighbourhood.

Taking the kids to the Magic Kingdom for preschool activities and after 28 years, it is still there.

Being involved with the kids in a variety of organizations such as Girl Guides and Scouts.

Shivering through the wet and cold softball games in May of each year while the kids played.

Being a volunteer for the local Red Cross. Four out of five family members were either a volunteer or instructor for the Red Cross. Bev just celebrated 45 years as a volunteer with the Society.

Sleeping at the Sky Dome (now called the Rogers Centre) with thousands of Beavers (Scouts) and on another occasion with the Girl Guides.

Having many, many garage sales. People swarmed our street.

Going to various local theatres in Newmarket and Aurora to see a community theatre production. For the past several years, we have gone to see our own son who is acting in such plays.  Al was even in a production of Mary Poppins last year - singing and "dancing", if you use a broad interpretaion of the word.

Good neighbours. In the early years, when most families had young children, we would meet together for a BBQ, an annual fireworks display and weekly craft night. It was good times back then. Those events have all disappeared.

Taking piano lessons from a neighbour who was an excellent teacher. Oh yes, the kids took lessons as well.

Answering the knock at the door and learning about the true God and his purpose for us here on earth.

Playing euchre each month with a group of friends from the neighbourhood.

Playing euchre each Friday at the Newmarket Seniors Meeting Place. Yes, we do qualify as seniors.

Al singing with the Upper Canada Chordsmen Chorus. Both of us assisted with the promotion of the chorus. For two years, Al was the President of the Management Team and worked diligently to strengthen the membership and have fun while singing four-part harmony.

Homeschooling our daughter for several years before she went to High School. It was a privilege to work with her on many subjects and enhance her thirst for learning.

Having a cafe in the garage where the kids served beverages and snacks to the neighbourhood kids. They entertained their friends by performing magic tricks and other things. One year we ran a small carnival with activities for the kids to do. Each year we did something different. It was fun to develop the theme and make the props and invite friends to attend.

Going to the local hills to toboggan in the winter.

Most of all, bringing up our three kids in Newmarket. It was a relatively safe community with lots of things to do.

And the list could go on. Newmarket was a great community and we will miss all our friends. If you are from the Newmarket area, what do you remember about living there? Now we will be making new memories in different communities across the country.

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